The Mix has your Last Chance To Win Your Way To The Royal Flush Tour!
Just be listening from 9a to 5p each weekday for the keyword to text and get entered!
Rules: One (1) winner per household. Must be 18 or older to win. Contest starts on Monday 3/17/2025 and ends on Friday 3/28/2025. Listeners MUST text the daily keyword to 304 201 1009 for entry. Entries will be solicited on-air via keyword announcement, 5x daily, Monday 3/17 through Friday 3/28. A total of 5 winners will be drawn in this contest, with one (1) winner per day being drawn from the overall entry pool beginning Monday 3/24/2025. Winners are drawn at random.
Each winner will get a (1) pair of tickets to The Royal Flush Tour with Heart and special guest Cheap Trick on Saturday, 3/29/2025 at the Charleston Coliseum and Convention Center.
Prize valued at approximately $90.00. No purchase necessary. Winner may be subject to applicable taxes. Winner cannot have won any station prizes within 30 days prior to contest close. Prizes non negotiable, not redeemable for cash, transferable or exchangeable. Standard station prize rules apply as well. Prize will be in form of Ticketmaster electronic tickets and will be transferred to each winner electronically. To claim prize, winners MUST have a Ticketmaster account and accept the ticket transfer.